Each judge gets a certain amount of “yes” votes that they can give out. The dancers with the most “yes” votes move to the next round. Once the final positions are assigned (the number of finalists will depend on the total number of competitors in the division), the next 2-3 dancers will be named as “alternates” to take the position in finals of any dancer who is absent for the finals.
You MUST compete in Novice if you do not teach salsa and bachata, or do not get compensated to teach locally/nationally; OR You have been dancing for less than 2 years.
You MUST compete in Intermediate if you have been compensated to teach salsa or bachata locally/nationally.
If you have any questions about your placement, feel free to contact by messaging Bailame Dance Festival page directly!
You should arrive to check in for the competition at the check-in time on the schedule. If you are not present at check-in, your name will be scratched from the list and you will not be allowed to compete.
If you are late for finals, your place in the competition will be given to the next available alternate competitor. You can check our schedule to find the latest updates on when the competitions will take place.
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